Tuesday, July 19, 2011

HCG Diet

I started the HCG diet yesterday and so far it's going well.  I was very skeptical of the diet because you are to only eat 500 calories, but they now have a 1200 calorie version which is what I will be doing.  I have already lost 31 pounds and don't want to mess up that progress by only eating 500 calories and starving myself.  I am sure it works for some, but personally I find it ridiculous.  I want to lose weight in a healthy way, which is why I am doing the 1200 version, and hope the HCG drops help me lose weight faster. You can follow me on my diet journey by going to by blog at http://losingpoundswithhcg.blogspot.com/

Because of my PCOS I struggle to lose weight compared to a normal person.  It sucks that even after taking my 3 pills a day I still have a hard time losing weight.  I am very proud that I have lost 31 pounds in 7 months, but I had to work my butt of to do so.  For those of you who have PCOS and struggle, just remember you can do it regardless if you doctor thinks you can't.  My doctor told me it would be impossible to lose the amount I lost, but I proved him wrong! 

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