Sunday, July 3, 2011

Carter Falls Hike - 5.6 miles roundtrip

Yesterday was my first hike on Mt. Rainier, and it was wonderful!  The best part is that we were accompanied by some of our closest friends and family and everyone made it to the top!

We started the trail in Longmire and continued on the wonderland trail until we reached Carter Falls.  The first portion of the hike (1.7 miles) was rather flat, but it did have a few hills.  Then we reached the second half (1.1 miles) and it was ALL up hill.  The second half took a toll on my body, but it was well worth it.  The best part of the hike was making it to the top and seeing the waterfalls.  The hike home was a piece of cake,  it was practically downhill and flat the whole way back (2.8 miles).  Anyone who is new to hiking should experience this hike. 

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