Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Met My Second Goal

Today is an exciting day for me, I finally met my 2nd goal!  Only 10 more pounds to go until I reach my 3rd goal. Once I reach my 3rd goal I will decide if it's my final goal or not.  Today is a good day!!! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Changing My Goal?

I am finding it difficult to not change my goal weight.  My initial goal weight was 140, but then I changed it to 130.  But now as I get closer to my goal weight I want to change it again.  It's like I am trying to set myself up to never reach a goal and I'm not sure why I keep doing this.  For now I am leaving my goal at 130, but there is a good chance I might change it to 120 as it would be a very difficult goal to reach.  But I like being challenged and this might be a good challenge for me.  I know that I don't want to go under 120 because for my height I will probably look too skinny and I don't want that. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

HCG Diet

I started the HCG diet yesterday and so far it's going well.  I was very skeptical of the diet because you are to only eat 500 calories, but they now have a 1200 calorie version which is what I will be doing.  I have already lost 31 pounds and don't want to mess up that progress by only eating 500 calories and starving myself.  I am sure it works for some, but personally I find it ridiculous.  I want to lose weight in a healthy way, which is why I am doing the 1200 version, and hope the HCG drops help me lose weight faster. You can follow me on my diet journey by going to by blog at

Because of my PCOS I struggle to lose weight compared to a normal person.  It sucks that even after taking my 3 pills a day I still have a hard time losing weight.  I am very proud that I have lost 31 pounds in 7 months, but I had to work my butt of to do so.  For those of you who have PCOS and struggle, just remember you can do it regardless if you doctor thinks you can't.  My doctor told me it would be impossible to lose the amount I lost, but I proved him wrong! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Aftermath of a Vacation

I was very nervous that while I was on vacation for 5 days that I would gain weight. It didn't help that my vacation was in Vegas....which means lots of yummy high calorie drinks!  But somehow I was able to manage my weight and actually lost a small amount of weight.  It could have been from all of the walking in the 100 degree weather or the lack of hunger I had from the heat.  I was very excited today when I stepped on the scale and wanted to let others know that it isn't hard to eat okay while on vacation....just make sure you walk a lot and stay away from the sweet sugary alcohol drinks!
Vegas 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Carter Falls Hike - 5.6 miles roundtrip

Yesterday was my first hike on Mt. Rainier, and it was wonderful!  The best part is that we were accompanied by some of our closest friends and family and everyone made it to the top!

We started the trail in Longmire and continued on the wonderland trail until we reached Carter Falls.  The first portion of the hike (1.7 miles) was rather flat, but it did have a few hills.  Then we reached the second half (1.1 miles) and it was ALL up hill.  The second half took a toll on my body, but it was well worth it.  The best part of the hike was making it to the top and seeing the waterfalls.  The hike home was a piece of cake,  it was practically downhill and flat the whole way back (2.8 miles).  Anyone who is new to hiking should experience this hike.