Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Goal

I have a little over 3 weeks until Vegas and I am not at the weight that I want to be.  My original goal was to be at 130lbs by Vegas, but it looks like I won't be reaching that. :(  Instead I have decided to start a new goal, a more reasonable goal.  My new goal is to reach 140 lbs by the time we leave for Vegas and keep the weight off.  I am so worried that being out of my comfort zone will destroy my weight loss that I have slacked.  No more slacking or thinking negatively....Negative Nancy you are out the door....say hello to Positive Sarah! :)  In order to reach my goal I need to lose 8 pounds in a little over 3 weeks, I'm not sure if this is possible but I am going to try my hardest.

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