Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Adventure

The weather is finally starting to warm up, which means it's time to enjoy the outdoors.  Last year I mostly went on bicycle rides along the Foothills trail and the Burke Gilman trail.  But this year, I am going to adventure off onto a hiking trail.  My first hike this year will hopefully be this weekend on Mount Rainier....if the weather allows it.  Since I am rather new to hiking I don't want to go out there in rain, I want to enjoy the hike and take pictures.  My fiance and I plan on riding our Harley's which allows us to go on an amazing motorcycle ride and a hike....we really don't want rain!  We haven't decided on which trail we will hike, but I am sure we will figure it out when we get there.

*Update: After looking at the weather for this weekend we have decided to not go to Mount Rainier, but instead we are going to hike somewhere near Enumclaw.  There are so many trails available that we haven't decided which one to do yet.

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