Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bike Your Way to a Better Body

Bicycling is a great way to see the outdoors, take in the fresh air, or simply get around town. It’s also an efficient way to burn excess calories, shed body fat and improve cardiovascular health. Depending on your body weight and the intensity of your ride, you will probably burn some where between 400 and 500 calories on a one hour bicycling trip.

The motion of bicycling, especially uphill and high intensity cycling, is a great way to develop muscle and burn fat. As both the large (quadriceps and hamstring) and small (calf) muscles of the legs work, they become stronger and more developed. The beauty of developing more muscle is that it not only makes the body look leaner and stronger, but it raises the resting metabolic rate. The higher your resting metabolic rate, the more calories you burn even at rest. So eight hours after your bike ride, sitting on your couch, you’re still burning extra calories!

Bicycling also works to strengthen the core region of the body, the abdominal and back muscles. A strong “core” is essential for good balance and posture, and beneficial for activities of daily living such as lifting groceries, carrying children and doing yard work.

If weight loss is your objective, cycling can be very beneficial. A gradual weight loss of approximately one pound a week is a wise goal. Gradual weight loss helps to maintain muscle tissue (remember sitting on the couch burning calories?) and will greatly increase your chance of long term success. People who lose a great deal of weight quickly, often through deprivation-type diets, are very likely to regain the pounds within the first year.

Eliminating or burning 3500 calories will result in a weight loss of one pound. Assuming that you burn approximately 500 calories on a one hour bicycle ride, a daily ride would equal a one pound weight loss after just one week!

One side note about lifestyle changes: they are best made one at a time. If daily physical activity is a new part of your life, deny the urge to make too many other changes until the daily activity is established. Oftentimes people attempt to reform themselves in dramatic and unrealistic ways and the outcome is doomed for failure. (Consider some of your past New Year’s resolutions.) In other words, it is probably not a good idea to start exercising, give up sugar, caffeine and cigarettes all at the same time.

Better Eating = Better Cycling = Better Body

Once you have established a regular cycling routine and are reaping the benefits of feeling stronger and healthier, you may want to make some small dietary changes. The key to a healthy diet is increasing whole foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other foods that are naturally whole and unprocessed) and knocking out the less healthy portions of your diet. Eating a diet rich with fruits, vegetables and whole grains will support the loss of extra pounds while fueling your body on cycling excursions.

In time, cycling will help you to feel stronger, leaner and more positive about your body. If you continue with daily activity and healthful eating, a better body is a sure thing.

Article by: http://bicycling.about.com/od/trainingandfitness/a/better_body.htm

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Biggest Loser w/ Friends

I started my weight loss journey with a biggest loser competition at work and I lost a little over 20 pounds.  Since it was such a great experience and it helped keep me focused, my friend and I have decided to start a Friends Biggest Loser Competition.  We are up to 5 people already and hopefully a few more will join us.  It starts July 1st and I am pumped and ready to kick butt!  :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Goal

I have a little over 3 weeks until Vegas and I am not at the weight that I want to be.  My original goal was to be at 130lbs by Vegas, but it looks like I won't be reaching that. :(  Instead I have decided to start a new goal, a more reasonable goal.  My new goal is to reach 140 lbs by the time we leave for Vegas and keep the weight off.  I am so worried that being out of my comfort zone will destroy my weight loss that I have slacked.  No more slacking or thinking negatively....Negative Nancy you are out the door....say hello to Positive Sarah! :)  In order to reach my goal I need to lose 8 pounds in a little over 3 weeks, I'm not sure if this is possible but I am going to try my hardest.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our First Hike This Year

We decided to do a 3 mile hike at the Flaming Geyser State Park, which is located in the Enumclaw area.  Although the hike was shorter than I wanted it turned out to be really nice for the most part.  Unfortunately on the way I must have brushed against some type of bad plant because within minutes I had itchy bumps on my arm and leg...we aren't sure which plant caused it, but I didn't let it stop me.  I know for next time to put some itch cream in my camelbak because the itching got BAD!  I would recommend this trail for beginners, but know that the trail is overgrown so you will touching all sorts of plants.  It's along a river so you can bring a fishing pole and fish and hike and if you aren't into hiking.  They have LOTS of picnic areas that you can use, it's the perfect spot for exercise and food!  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Adventure

The weather is finally starting to warm up, which means it's time to enjoy the outdoors.  Last year I mostly went on bicycle rides along the Foothills trail and the Burke Gilman trail.  But this year, I am going to adventure off onto a hiking trail.  My first hike this year will hopefully be this weekend on Mount Rainier....if the weather allows it.  Since I am rather new to hiking I don't want to go out there in rain, I want to enjoy the hike and take pictures.  My fiance and I plan on riding our Harley's which allows us to go on an amazing motorcycle ride and a hike....we really don't want rain!  We haven't decided on which trail we will hike, but I am sure we will figure it out when we get there.

*Update: After looking at the weather for this weekend we have decided to not go to Mount Rainier, but instead we are going to hike somewhere near Enumclaw.  There are so many trails available that we haven't decided which one to do yet.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Grocery shopping on a budget can be difficult - especially when trying to make healthy choices.  Sometimes it can seem easier and less expensive to buy a cheap, processed meal (or swing through you local drive-through) than to plan a healthy, quality meal.  But with these tips, you can balance health and budget.

  • Set aside time to clip coupons and plan weekly meals and snacks.  This allows you to take advantage of items on sale and make the most of what you buy so nothing goes to waste.
  • Always have a list when you grocery shop and don't go when you're hungry!!!
  • Buy nonperishable items in bulk (especially when they're on sale) and buy generic.  This can add up to a lot of savings.
  • Cook larger portions of healthy dinners and freeze the leftovers for another day.
  • Experiment with marinades and spices to add variety to easy, inexpensive dishes like chicken, potatoes, soup, pasta or rice.
  • Make it a priority to keep fresh fruits and vegetables in the house and incorporate them into your meals.

Easy Calorie Burning

Looking for an easy way to increase the number of calories you burn each day? Try tapping your foot or twiddling your thumbs! Research shows that people who consistently fidget while sitting burn more calories than those who sit still.
Other ways to boost calorie burning while at your desk or on the couch include:
- Standing up while talking on the phone
- Focusing on maintaining good posture
- Bouncing your leg or tapping your fingers
- Doing neck, arm or leg stretches