Monday, May 27, 2013

Three Day Weekend

We had an awesome three day weekend.  We started off with a delicious dinner on Friday to The Rock...and of course a few buckets! Yum!  Then Saturday was a lazy day and a yard work day.  The Sunday we celebrated a retirement of one of my husband aunts and enjoyed hanging out and playing pool.  Then we ending the long weekend going to Emerald Downs with some great friends...we didn't let the rain stop us from having fun.  I even won my money back on the final race that we stayed was pretty exciting :)  Then we headed over to a piece of land that we are looking at to buy to see how it looks...that's when the rain starting pouring on us.  We were was some bad timing to be walking around in tall grass, bushes, and trees...the rain his us so hard and fast we didn't get a chance to avoid it.  On the plus side we were able to still look at the property and have a few others to look at, but hopefully within the next few weeks we can put an offer on one.  I wish three day weekends were more often.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Garden

I am so excited that I finally planted my garden yesterday.  I'm a little late to be planting seeds, but hopefully the sun returns so my seeds will grow.  My amazing husband cleared out the weeds and made the area look great so I could plant.  He even expanded my garden because last year the pumpkins and zucchini overtook the entire area.  So he made my garden larger.  This year I tried out new seeds that I've never done so it's definitely a learning garden this year.  I planted Zucchini, Pumpkin, Sweet Onion, Green Onion, Corn, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Artichoke, and Green Peppers.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Herbs in Chalkboard Paint Pots

This year besides a vegetable garden I also wanted to do an herb garden.  I picked a total of 6 herbs that I use all the time to help save money and to use fresh herbs versus dried because it tastes better to me.  I painted the pots with chalkboard paint so that I can use them year after year.  It was so simple and fun and look forward to using the paint around the house. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New Hat :)

I found this hat at Fred Meyer and I was so excited because it's so cute and comfy so I had to share :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Yard Work Time

It's that time of year when I start getting ready to plant my seeds for my garden.  This year I bought a variety of seeds that are new to me, so it's a new exciting challenge for me.  My husband prepped the garden and my new garden area...that's right I have two gardens this year and I am super excited.  So now all I have to do it put up a little fence to block the dogs and start planting.

I also started planting flowers like the picture below.  It's the awesome mothers day gift I got from my hubby...he's so sweet.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

On Friday my Mom and I went over to Ellensburg to visit my brother in college.  It was family weekend at Central so he didn't seem to be too embarrassed to have his older sister and mom around :)  We started off by me teach them how to make skinny margarita's, using crystal light, tequila, lime, and triple sec.  Then we heading to a hot wing place where we ate some deliciously spicy hot wings.  They were so hot that it made my voice horse...this was a first...but so worth it.  Then we headed to a comedy show.  The show had it's ups and downs, but it was someone only 25 and new so she has many years ahead of her.  She did a great job for being so young.  The rest of weekend including going to the Saturday market, breakfast, and shopping. It was a fantastic Mother's Day weekend. 

Happy Mother's Day Mom!