Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Holiday Season

It's the time of year where there are so many temptations, how is it possible to avoid them?  Well, to be honest I'm not avoiding them because the more I avoid things the more I want them. So instead I am looking for the healthiest choices of the yummy goodness's and am being careful with my portion size.  For instance eggnog is in stores, but instead of buying the full fat one I bought the eggnog light.  And when I drink the eggnog I make sure I am only consuming one serving size.  This way I get to enjoy my cravings and it's in moderation so it will be easier for me to continue to lose weight while enjoying things I love. 

I've come to realize that portion size is one of the largest issues that people have when trying to lose weight.  They are either eating too much or not enough, it's hard finding that just right middle ground, but it's worth finding it.  I wish everyone luck during the holiday season and if you are trying to lose weight it's okay to enjoy things you love, just be smart about it.  And if you have to, workout more to make up for those foods you consumed.

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