Friday, August 31, 2012

Insanity We Meet Again

I am starting round two of insanity on Tuesday and hope it doesn't kill me.  The first time I did insanity I only made it a month because of life I wasn't able to finish...but now I am going to push it through and finish the entire program.  I don't follow the food plan, but I do make sure I eat enough food during these workouts...yes you will burn a lot of calories, so eat!

For those of you who haven't done insanity before know that it's not for beginners. You can seriously hurt yourself doing insanity, especially if you are like me and like to push your body to it's limits. Also, if you have bad knees or joints don't do insanity, insanity has a lot of jumping and movements that are hard on your body.  I personally have a bad knee, but know my limits and won't keep up with them knowing I could hurt myself.  I recommend you taking it slow at first and go at your OWN pace...remember this!! Do NOT try to keep up with them, I did that and ended up injuring myself, so keep it slow. 

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