Friday, August 31, 2012

Insanity We Meet Again

I am starting round two of insanity on Tuesday and hope it doesn't kill me.  The first time I did insanity I only made it a month because of life I wasn't able to finish...but now I am going to push it through and finish the entire program.  I don't follow the food plan, but I do make sure I eat enough food during these workouts...yes you will burn a lot of calories, so eat!

For those of you who haven't done insanity before know that it's not for beginners. You can seriously hurt yourself doing insanity, especially if you are like me and like to push your body to it's limits. Also, if you have bad knees or joints don't do insanity, insanity has a lot of jumping and movements that are hard on your body.  I personally have a bad knee, but know my limits and won't keep up with them knowing I could hurt myself.  I recommend you taking it slow at first and go at your OWN pace...remember this!! Do NOT try to keep up with them, I did that and ended up injuring myself, so keep it slow. 

Monday, August 13, 2012


I've been exercising to lose weight for 1 year and 8 months and have decided to start including supplements into my diet.  I already take vitamins to help stay healthy when eating a low calorie diet, but now it's time to up my protein and build more muscle.  There are so many choices out there, so how do you decide what's actually going to work?  I honestly have no idea, every body works differently and probably reacts differently to all products.  Which is why I have found it hard to read reviews on supplements, some say "this is awesome" others say "it's the worse product ever" how do you decide?  I decided by going to the vitamin store and reading all the labels and picked what I thought was going to work best for me. Below is the list of vitamins and supplements that I am currently using.  The new products are in red and I'll let you know how they work.  My current products have been working awesome and have made me feel so much healthier.  I'm not sure if they are helping me lose weight or not, but they sure make me feel better from the inside out.

Nature Made Women's Multi-Vitamin (1 capsule)
Stress B-Complex (1 capsule)
Calcium Magnesium and Zinc  (1 capsule)
Magnesium (Nerve & Muscle Function) (1 capsule)
Tonalin CLA (1 capsule per meal)

Protein Supplement
Gaspari Nutrition Super pump Max (Pre-workout supplement)
Jillian's Natural Whey Protein Powder (After workout supplement)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rough Week...

It's been a rough couple of weeks at work and a busy couple of weeks at home.  I have found it difficult to workout like I want to.  How do people still find time to workout when there are so many other things going on?  I'm still trying to figure this's difficult and maybe sometimes impossible but if I want to feel good about myself I need to push myself.  I wish I had people around me that could help motivate me, I seem to always be the motivator and it's exhausting.  It's not that I need a support group or anything, but just someone to push me to workout when I am feeling too lazy to do it.  Maybe a trainer at the gym is something that I would benefit from...good idea self :)