Friday, December 30, 2011

Getting ready for training

Tomorrow is the big day, day 1 of my training for the 12k. I have done the bloomsday run which is a 12k a few times, but with the mass amount of people it was nearly impossible to run it. This run I actually plan on running as much as I can. Since I have never been that good at running thanks to my knee I have decided to take the training easy and not over due it.  Tomorrow I plan on doing a combination of walking, jogging, and running for 3 miles on the treadmill.  Since it's only day I don't want to over push myself, but to help motivate me I have purchased a garmin sport watch which tells me my heart rate, distance, and a lot more. So with a combination of my new watch and my bodymedia I hope to know exactly what my body is doing during training.

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