Monday, February 21, 2011

Bodybugg vs Bodymedia

The "new" thing trying to pump people up with fitness are personal calorie management systems.  These electronic systems are helping people loose weight!  When I first heard about these I was very skeptical (and still am), but after talking with a few people who own them I've decided to give it a shot.  Now here's the big decision...which brand?  Both brands do practically the same thing, so why is one better than the other? 

The bodybugg system uses a patented process to measure calorie burn.
The process is based on:

·         Motion: The armband contains an accelerometer that measures motion from multiple perspectives.
·         Steps: The accelerometer counts steps by measuring the distinct patterns created by running or walking.
·         Galvanic skin response: When you sweat, your skin becomes more electrically conductive. This measurement helps the device understand how active you are.
·         Skin temperature: There’s an electronic thermometer inside your armband that monitors how hot you are.
·         Heat flux: When you move, your muscles produce heat. Your armband measures the heat that’s flowing from your body into the environment.

Putting It All Together
With its web-based application, a mobile app. for iPhone and Android users, and the bodybugg digital display, the bodybugg system makes it easy to view and manage your calorific data.
For bodybugg users, you can upload data from the bodybugg armband directly to your computer, and use the web-based application to see how many calories you’ve burned throughout the day or during specific activities. Here you will also enter the foods you’ve eaten to track calories consumed and the system will use both data sets to calculate your overall calorie balance for a given period.
For bodybugg users, you can upload data from the bodybugg armband directly to your computer, and use the web-based application to see how many calories you’ve burned throughout the day or during specific activities. Here you will also enter the foods you’ve eaten to track calories consumed and the system will use both data sets to calculate your overall calorie balance for a given period.
For bodybugg system (version 3) users, if you want instant feedback, the Digital Display device (only compatible with the bodybugg version 3) is the perfect companion. It syncs together offering real-time feedback on your calorie burning activities. This device is sold separately.
For new bodybuggSP™ users, if you want instant feedback, you can get real-time access to your daily activity through your smartphone*. The bodybuggSP is currently compatible with iPhone 4, 3GS and 3G, iPod touch (2nd and 3rd generations) and with Google Android devices running OS 2.0 or higher.

The BodyMedia FIT Armband BW lets you take fitness body-monitoring wherever you go with a platform of new mobile products for iPhone and Android smartphone owners. The Mobile system includes smartphone Apps and the new BodyMedia FIT Armband BW enabled with Bluetooth® wireless technology. Armband BW sends information to your fingertips by communicating directly with your smartphone and provides near real-time caloric burn data. Through this new generation technology, you can see your calorie input vs. output and understand your calorie balance by using the App's food logging tool. The App also offers the feature to create a personalized workout based upon your caloric, activity, or step targets.*

Serious Science. Serious Results.
The BodyMedia system is clinically proven to help people lose three times more weight than those who tried to lose weight on their own by providing consumers with important information about their calorie burn and calories consumed. BodyMedia FIT captures your calorie burn with over 90% validated accuracy.
There are tons of fly-by-night weight loss fads out there. The BodyMedia system is not one of them. Scientific studies over the last 10 years have proven that BodyMedia technology is accurate and that it delivers the results you're looking for.

Goodbye, Guesswork. Hello, Weight Loss.
Weight loss attempts can fail not because you lack will power, but because you lack the right information. To lose weight, you need to know calories in, calories out, and sleep quality. The BodyMedia FIT weight management system collects this data all day and night. With the right information, you can take control and achieve your weight loss goals.

One Size Doesn't Fit All
You burn calories differently than anyone else, which is why cookie-cutter weight loss programs may not be working for you. BodyMedia FIT weight management system captures 5,000+ readings every minute to capture your individual metabolic profile. This personalized info helps you pinpoint what actions you need to take to reach your weight loss goals.
Weight loss boils down to 3 key things:

·         Calories Burned - Everything you do during the day and night -- from pumping iron to pumping gas -- burns calories. And the way you burn calories may be different from the next person.
·         Calories Consumed - Knowing what you eat is an important part of losing weight. Too many carbs? Not enough fiber? BodyMedia FIT will give you a detailed nutritional breakdown.
·         Quantity and Quality of Sleep - Scientists understand and study the role of sleep in weight loss. Good sleep can help suppress your appetite and maintain your energy, which is important to weight loss.

About BodyMedia, Inc: When Your Body Talks, BodyMedia Listens
BodyMedia has been unlocking and deciphering the patterns of the body since 1999. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, BodyMedia is the pioneer in developing wearable body-monitoring systems designed to help people lose weight, improve performance, and live healthier lives. Their patented multi-sensor technology provides comfortable, convenient, continuous body-monitoring that measures physical activity and calories burned with greater-than-90% accuracy. At BodyMedia, the excitement lies in the potential of putting this vital information directly into the hands of individuals, empowering them to take charge and improve their lives.

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