Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Workout & Food Schedule

Since I am trying to loose weight in a healthy way, I want to make sure that I am eating enough food so that I am not starving myself and working out enough to burn off those calories. 

Food Intake:  I only allow myself to eat/drink 1200 calories a day, which means my food options at home needed a make-over.  For lunch I eat a yogurt with fruit or a rice cake, then for lunch I eat a lean cuisine or a salad, and dinner is either a salad or a healthy meal that I found in my amazing  Betty Crocker cookbook (recipes can be found on my recipe page).  I am also staying away from candy, fried food, sugary drinks, snack/junk food, and alcohol.

Exercise Routine: Exercise at least 3 times a week.  My workouts consist of going to gym and doing cardio for an hour three times a week.  I also practice yoga.

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