Sunday, December 29, 2013

Date Night

We hadn't had date night in a while so we planned one in advance.  We went back to the place where he popped the question, the Space Needle Restaurant.  It was so much fun and we were seated right on the window so we had a perfect view of the city.  The food was amazing!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Fun

I can't believe it's the day after Christmas I feel like it just arrived and it's over so quickly.  This year we hosted Christmas at our house for the first time which caused it to be extra crazy around the house.  With all the family birthdays this month including mine and my hubby's time flew by.  It was so much fun seeing friends and family so much this month, but I am ready for a break. Thankfully this week is short only one more workday and then it's a 5 day weekend, I am very much looking forward to that.  Except it won't be relaxing for me until I finish my two final papers for my college classes, then it will be three days of relaxing and going through Christmas presents.  I cannot wait!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Birthday Fun

We had a blast in Leavenworth celebrating my 30th birthday.  I am so fortunate that my husband put this all together and it was such a great success. Here are some pictures from our fun in downtown Leavenworth, our lodge, and sledding in a huge sleigh.  What a blast!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Birthday Bash

I cannot believe I am going to turn 30 in 9 days, this has to be one of the scariest things so far...I'm not ready!  Give me one more year, then maybe I will be ready...this is too soon!  At least I will be celebrating my 30th birthday with a group of wonderful people.  I look forward to hanging out with everyone and feel so fortunate that my wonderful husband planned this get together.  I can't wait to see everyone in Leavenworth, it's going to be a fun weekend! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Tree

This morning we went and cut down our Christmas tree at a tree farm not too far from our house.  It was freezing out, thankfully I brought lots of layers and the sun was out...but it was still below freezing.  We looked all around and finally found a tree...a HUGE tree.  The largest we have had yet, I was so excited (it was my year to pick out the tree, we take turns).  What do you think?  It's 9 feet tall and perfect!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I am finding that it is hard to balance my life right now.  I feel that work and homework is consuming me during the holiday season and I don't like it.  I need to figure out how to balance it so that I can enjoy the holidays. December is already a hectic month for me as there are so many birthdays, including myself and my hubby's, but then you have Christmas and then New Year, it's none stop craziness after Thanksgiving...eek!  Maybe a little yoga will help put my balance in place...I think I may try that tonight.  Wish me luck :)