Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Being sick, it's the pits

Of course when I am trying to get fit and look good for a wedding I am in, I have to get sick.  What are the odds...Normally I would keep working out but this cold is kicking my butt, I don't remember the last time I was this sick.  I've been trying to take cold medicine but that doesn't really do much for it.  I've been trying to rest and sleep as much as possible, but it's now day 5 and I am worse then ever...this SUCKS! If anyone has any home remedies or ideas to help me fight this cold please let me know.  I am so tired of being sick and the wedding is a week and a half away.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy 6 Month Anniversary!

I am excited to say that today is my 6th month anniversary with my wonderful husband.  I am bummed that we won't be celebrating tonight because he has plans with the guys :(  But I've talked him into going for a hike with me tomorrow morning to I am excited for that.  I'll post our hike details this happy it's hiking season...well kind of...we did get snow today in Seattle.  Where is spring? Go away winter!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

We Made It!

We finished the St. Patrick's Day dash and we will definitely be sore tomorrow, but it was so worth it.  We were happy that the rain kept away, but it sure was cold.  I was wearing three layers and was still freezing, thankfully I had on my silly hat so at least my head was warm.  I am also very proud of my husband for finishing his first race and for being such a good sport on dressing up.  Love you husband! :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

St. Patty's Day Dash

It's that time of year for the St. Patrick's Day dash in Seattle.  My husband and I will be there all dressed up (pictures to come) and ready to run...okay maybe walk and run....but still we are ready rain or shine.   The course is roughly 4 miles of city streets in downtown Seattle, so avoid the Seattle area during the time of the dash, roads will be closed.  I wish we were more prepared for this dash, as we haven't been to the gym in two weeks, but I know that it's for a good cause so regardless it will be fun.   

More information can be found on their website at