Thursday, December 20, 2012

Must see in Seattle

If you ever get a change to go to Seattle, you must check out Chihuly Garden and Glass.  It's simply beautiful and amazing.  Plus if you get hungry there is a cafe called the Collections Cafe that's food is inspired by Chihuly's travels.  See my photo's below to see how amazing it is...

Collections Cafe

Collections Cafe

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gluten Free

Guess who has decided to join the Gluten Free train...This lady.  But it's not because I have a gluten problem, it's because of my husband and I want to support him.  So in order to help him eat gluten free..or close to it...I am going to join him.  I know it's going to be hard because I LOVE bread, but it will be worth it in the long run.  We are going to do a trial run of 30 days to see how he feels with the change in his diet...I hope it will make him feel 100 times better. 

Because I am not familiar with gluten free, I spoke with a co-worker that went gluten free due to her health problems and she feels so much better, so she will be a huge source for me.  I asked her a bunch of questions and have really gained a grasp on what needs to be done.  I also did a little research online and found a list of things we can eat and foods we should avoid (see list below).  I've also found a few cooking websites to give me some new ideas on what to cook.  Thankfully we eat a lot of meat, veggies, and fruit already so it won't be a change....except when we go out to eat...that's going to be the hard part....

Gluten Free Grains
Finger millet (Ragi)
Job’s tears
Montina (Indian rice grass)
Tef (or teff)
Wild rice

Gluten Free Starches
Beans (such as: black, navy, pinto, soy, lentils)
Nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts)

Unsafe Grains & Starches
contain gluten and must be avoided

Bromated flour
Durum flour
Enriched flour
Gluten flour
Graham flour
Phosphated flour
Plain flour
Self-rising flour

Monday, December 3, 2012

Happy Holidays

Our tree is finally up and decorated, which means I have all of our Christmas decorations up...  I am so exhausted from decorating but so happy it's done.